
Brad Powell - Sun CIS (Brad.Powell@EBay.Sun.COM)
Thu, 18 Nov 93 09:30:43 PST

Keeping with the spirit of this newsgroup, I'm asking this in the form
of a question, as I use a version of xterm that does not allow logging
at all, for the same reason I don't run a mail.record. The black hats
read mail.records as well as xterm logfiles.

Question: where does the logfile get recorded? On the servere or at the 
          client? In some cases this may be the same due to NFS mounts.

Either way *could* be bad, if I can remotely start an xterm to your server.

The reason I ask.

Scenario: I remotely start an xterm to your server, after first setting my uid 
to your uid (i can do this on *my* end since i have root).
I set the xterm logfile to be ~home/.rhost. Thus adding a line or more to your 
.rhost file. xterm in most cases uses unix_auth.

I can then login. One step closer to root ;^).

Please tell me I'm wrong.
